9/12 Patch Details

Masters of the Book!

A new update to ASTRA: Knights of Veda will be released on September 12, 2024!

Read below to find out more about what this update will bring to the game.

■ A new 5★ Knight of Veda “Rebecca” will now be available!



“Where’s the enemy? Leave it to me!”

As Orlik's adopted daughter and Marthel's biological daughter, she takes after Orlik's exuberance and Marthel's determination. However, the source of her boundless passion remains a mystery. Some argue that her fervent enthusiasm can be overwhelming at times, but her inner fire never allows her to give up. While her intense zeal may occasionally lead her down the wrong path, she will never surrender and will continue her adventures

“Rebecca” is a Fire-type Melee Tank wielding a Club & Shield. She shields her allies from projectile attacks while incapacitating enemies by reflecting fire damage back at them with their own projectiles. Her Normal Skill, “A Pleasant Golden Shield,” thrusts a series of shields at nearby enemies, inflicting burn damage and stunning them by chance, restricting their actions. Her Signature Skill, "Breath of Flames," reduces projectile damage taken by allies while reflecting fire damage back at enemies, turning their own attacks against them and leading to their defeat

■ A new 4★ Knight of Veda “Shikh” will now be available!


“Batar of Vulcan has come! May the great plains bless you!”

He is known throughout Planis as the leader of the Batar, having dedicated his life to protecting Vulcan. Even those who are not knights hold him in high esteem, recognizing his noble nature. Born to protect the Royal Household of the Crown, his unwavering loyalty remains steadfast. He will forever serve as the sword of the Crown Royal Family, defending Vulcan 


“Shikh” is a Light-type Ranged Support wielding a Small Bow, engaging in various customized battles through rapid projectile firing and dagger ATKs. Normal Skill “Moonlight Stomp” enables evasion while attacking enemies. Signature Skill “Dawn under the Moonlight” deals DMG to enemies by descending a shower of wide-area arrows, simultaneously amplifying incoming damage and aiding allies in battle

* The available floors for "Portrait of Thierry" will be expanded from 27 floors to 36th floors.
- With the expansion to the 36th floor, you can challenge higher difficulty levels and have the opportunity to earn greater rewards upon clearing them.
- If you have previously cleared up to the 27th floor on your past "Portrait of Thierry" runs, you are now able to choose between starting at the 1st Floor and progressing up to the 27th Floor or from the 10th Floor to the 36th floor each week when "Portrait of Thierry" resets on Thursday.
- Additionally, based on the highest floor you have reached in your past "Portrait of Thierry" runs, you will now “breakthrough” some floors, immediately obtaining the rewards on the affected floors and starting your run on the first available floor.
· To start from a higher floor, you must clear floors 18, 27, and 36 in "Portrait of Thierry." After the reset, you can now begin from the 10th, 19th, or 28th floor respectively.
: If you clear the 36th floor and then choose the "1st to 27th floors" option in the difficulty selection, you will start from the 19th floor instead of the 28th floor.
: This will be applied based on the highest floor you have cleared in Portrait of Thierry as of the 9/12 Update.
· When starting from a higher floor, you can choose and obtain any Grace, Accessory Set, or rewards that you missed on the lower floors.
: However, if you start from the "10th to 36th floors," rewards below the 9th floor will not be provided.

* The “Sweep” feature will be added to repeat daily content.
- The “Sweep” feature allows you to obtain rewards without directly repeating daily content. This new function can be used where the daily reset content such as “Calydon Hideout”, “Forgotten Mine”, and “Knights Mission.”
- The amount of rewards given when using the “Sweep” feature is based on the following criteria.
· Calydon Hideout: Based on the highest kill record for each attribute in Calydon Hideout.
· Forgotten Mine: Based on the highest number of acquired Enhancement Materials.
· Knights Mission: Based on the completion reward for the accepted mission.
- The sweeps for ‘Calydon Hideout’ and ‘Forgotten Mine’ can now be accessed through the newly added ‘Sweep’ button on the dungeon entry screen and the adventure guide. You can click the button to perform sweeps as many times as you have set.
- You can use the “Sweep” feature on Knights Missions by selecting the “Sweep” button that appears after accepting the mission on the Knights Mission screen.

* “Auto Item Dismantling” feature will be added.
- “Auto Item Dismantling” is a feature that automatically dismantles equipment obtained at a grade lower than the preset level for each equipment type for enhancement materials.
- It can be checked by going to the Settings and then going to the “Automatic disassembly of items” tab. You can then select the criteria under which the feature will function.
- You can check the results of the dismantling process through the automatic dismantling results screen that will appear after the item acquisition screen.

* Enhancement materials will now be provided when dismantling all equipment types.
- Initially, enhancement materials from dismantling can only be obtained when doing so on Relics. We have changed this so that when dismantling all equipment types will now yield the respective enhancement materials.
- The amount of enhancement materials obtained when dismantling equipment is equivalent to the amount of EXP gained when using the equipment to be dismantled as refinement material.

* A feature allowing you to set whether or not each Knight of Veda uses their Strong ATK during auto-battle will be added.
- You can find the toggle for each Knight of Veda's Strong ATK usage in the "Settings" menu, where you can adjust this setting for each Knight individually.
- Only the Knights of Veda with strong attack usage enabled in the settings will use their Strong ATK during auto-battle.

* A feature will be added to automatically proceed with matchmaking in the Arena.
- An "Auto-Matching" button will be displayed in the Arena, allowing you to automatically start matchmaking in your desired mode by selecting the button.
- "Auto-Matching" will continue until the matchmaking is canceled, or until the daily Arena play limit of 100 matches is reached. Additionally, if a match is ended due to inactivity, "Auto-Matching" will end.

* The chat system will be improved to allow Masters of the Book to communicate more actively.
- A new chat box will now be displayed in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
- The chat box will allow you to view Guild (green), Party (blue), and Private (purple) conversations.
- To ensure better communication for Masters of the Book of the same language, a feature will be added that allows the selection of a world channel by language.

* The Support Knight of Veda System will be improved.
- The Gold received per Support Knight of Veda will be increased from 2,000 gold to 5,000 gold.
- The number of daily reward claims available through Support Knight of Veda will be increased from 5 times to 10 times, allowing you to accumulate up to 20 rewards and earn a maximum of 100,000 Gold.
- The level difference restriction for using other Masters’ Support Knight of Veda will be removed.

* A feature will be added that allows you to adjust the size of the damaged font displayed in battle.
- A new menu will be added in the Settings to adjust the size of the damage numbers displayed during combat, allowing you to customize the font size.

* A "Claim All" button will be added to content with multiple rewards, enabling you to claim all rewards at once.
- The "Claim All" button will be applied to the Guidance of the Book event rewards, progress rewards, and trophy reward pages.

* A "Claim All" button will also be added to the Item mailbox, allowing you to receive all purchased items at once.

* An icon will be added to the Adventure Guide that allows you to see more information about the topic on Noah’s Great Library at the Official Website.

* Information about the "Ancient Golden City" will be added to the Adventure Guide.

* Wishing you a joyful Harvest Moon Festival with ASTRA: Knights of Veda! 🌕
- Wishing you a joyful Harvest Moon Festival, we're bringing in a series of exciting events packed with generous rewards. We hope that you have a prosperous and joyful moment with ASTRA: Knights of Veda!

- Golden Sunset Festival Event
· In celebration of this year's harvest, we're launching the Golden Sunset Festival event!
· During the event, you can collect Tri-Colored Half-Moon Rice Cakes by clearing Adventure Dungeons
· You can collect up to 10 Tri-Colored Half-Moon Rice Cakes daily
· These Tri-Colored Half-Moon Rice Cakes can be used to enhance the stats of the Knights of Veda, and the rewards will be based on the number of rice cakes collected during the Golden Sunset Festival.
· The event will end on 10/2, after the regular maintenance.

- Gift Filled to the Brim Event
· The Gift Filled to the Brim Event brings the fun of Harvest Moon Festival straight to you!
· Log in daily for 7 days during the event period to receive Crystals of Destiny, Starstones, summoning currencies, and enhancement materials.
· This event will end on 10/2, after the regular maintenance.

- Fall Night Bathed in Moonlight Event
· Join us in an adventurous mission event, Fall Night Bathed in Moonlight.
· This event will end on 10/2, after the regular maintenance.

* Shattered Dimensional Rift Event
- Team up with your guild in the Shattered Dimensional Rift event!
- Enter the Rift through the Twisted Portal in your Guild Territory.
- Earn Guild Kill rewards and Individual Kill rewards based on the number of Rogue Ones defeated with. Guild Kill rewards will include an Insignia reward.
- The Individual Kill rewards for this event have been improved.
- The difficulty of the Shattered Dimensional Rift has been adjusted, making it more accessible compared to previous events.
- The event ends on 10/2, after the regular maintenance

* Harold's Lost Knowledge Event comes to you once again
- Help Harold gather his research materials and earn a variety of rewards!
- Collect materials Harold requires to write his research log from the Adventure Dungeons and submit them to him in Todburg to receive Starstones and Upgrade/Ascension materials.
- The event will unlock new content daily, and you can check your progress in the Research Log.
- This event will end on October 2, after the regular maintenance.

* The "Special Supply Delivery Operation" event will be held once again.
- Each stage consists of 3 rounds, and you can acquire buffs upon entry and after completing the 1st and 2nd rounds of combat.
- If you successfully complete the supply transport, you will receive rewards.
- The "Special Supply Delivery Operation" event will end after the maintenance on 10/2.

* The "Black Mutation: Adventure Zone" will be introduced in the Adventure Zones.
- During the "Black Mutation: Adventure Zone" event, you can encounter anomalies in specific adventure zones every 3 days.
- The "Black Mutation: Adventure Zone" event will end after the maintenance on 10/31.

* The "Blessing in Nightmare" event will be held, allowing you to earn double rewards from Veda's Nightmare.
- During the "Blessing in Nightmare" event, you can receive double rewards from Veda's Nightmare up to the daily limit.
- The "Blessing in Nightmare" event will end after 9/25 11:00 PM PDT / 9/26 6:00 AM UTC.

* The "Journey in Memory (Rebecca Trial)" event will be held.
- During this Trial event, you can try out Knights of Veda: 5★ Rebecca, 5★ Veleno, 4★ Shikh, and 4★ Elias.
- The "Journey in Memory (Rebecca Trial)" event will end after the maintenance on 10/2.

* A new Tower of Trials season begins.
- The completion rates for the "Tower of Trials," which consists of floors 9 through 12, will be reset, and new "Quest Blessings" and "Goddess's Arrangement" will be applied.
- The new Tower of Trials season will end after the maintenance on 10/2.

* A new season of Arena will begin.
- During Arena Season 4, you can earn rewards such as Tunics, Emotes, and Insignia based on your progress..
- Arena Season 4 will end after the maintenance on 10/31.

* A new season of Portrait of Thierry will be starting.
- The attributes of the monsters on each floor of Portrait of Thierry will be changed.
- The new Portrait of Thierry season will end after the maintenance on 10/2.

* A new Reward Decree season will start.
- The new Reward Decree season will begin right after the update on 9/12, and will continue until 10/22 06:00 AM (UTC) / 10:21 11:00 PM (PDT).

■ Improvements
* To prevent PvP matches from ending too quickly as players' attack power increases, the HP of Knights of Veda in PvP has been adjusted.

* The number of Rubies and Starstone required for shoe charges has been adjusted:
- (Before) 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 / 200 / 200 / 200
- (After) 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 / 180 / 200

* Improved the ability to check the applied effects of food when using cooking items.

* After completing a dungeon, selecting "Retry" will now immediately restart the dungeon instead of bringing up the dungeon information screen.

* In Ancient Golden City, when using the “following” command, Knights of Veda will now perform their evasion move before following.

* The Knights of Veda and the general combat balance will see significant improvements. The details of these enhancements in this update are as follows:

- General
· The unique abilities of the Knights of Veda 'Eliyar,' 'Arin,' 'Edward,' and 'Atterisee' increase with each Fate activation based on the Fate Lv. When all 6 Level of Fate are reached, their abilities increase by approximately double compared to before.
· The unique abilities of the Vedic Knights 'Sarka,' 'Death Crown,' 'Abert,' 'Nec,' and 'Sansar' increase with each Fate activation, depending on the Fate Level. At Level 6 of Fate, their abilities increase by approximately 2 times.

- Death Crown
· The effect of the Power of Death activated by using the signature skill will now increase the resistance of Death Crown and allies by 30% and 50% respectively for 15 seconds.
· At Fate 6, the resistance increase effects granted by the Power of Death will be 40% for Death Crown and 60% for allies.

- Arin
· An increase in the amount of stats adjusted per skill and signature level up will be made.
· At Fate 1, the damage increase effect from the Hint of Death granted by using a regular skill will rise from 15% to 30%.
· At Fate 2, the skill multiplier applied to Dark Visions has been increased.
· At Fate 2, the number of additional damage instances applied by the Dark Visions effect granted by using a regular skill will be adjusted from 3 to 2.

- Edward
· The damage multiplier for all attacks increases while the signature skill is active.
· The attack power increase from the Harbinger of Flames effect granted by using the signature skill will increase from 40% to 50%.
· At Fate 4, the DMG dealt by the “Fire Floor” effect will be increased.
· At Fate 6, an additional 40% increase in damage dealt will be applied during the Time for Punishment buff effect.

- Nec
· The skill coefficient for normal attacks, regular skills, and signature skills increases.
· The damage increase from using regular skills will rise from 10% to 20%.
· The duration of Roderick's Oath will increase from 2 seconds to 3 seconds while the cooldown will decrease from 30 seconds to 15 seconds.
· A new effect will be added where Roderick will share 40% of the damage Nec receives while Roderick is summoned.
· The Roderick’s Will effect from Roderick’s basic attacks will change from reducing enemy attack power to reducing the damage the enemy deals.
· A new effect will be added to the signature extended skill where enemies hit will have their movement and attack speeds reduced by 10% for 5 seconds.
· At Fate 4, the Spirit's Touch effect will change from reducing the attack power of enemies hit by Roderick to reducing the damage dealt by the enemies.

- Atterisee
· The skill coefficient for normal attacks, regular skills, and signature skills increases.
· The increase in attack power proportional to HP when using a normal skill has been raised from 3.2% to 4.4%.
· At Fate 4, the effect of applying 3 Master of Poison debuffs simultaneously from the signature skill will now apply at Fate 4, previously only at Fate 6.

- Sansar
· The skill coefficient for normal attacks, regular skills, and signature skills increases.
· The attack power increase based on health ratio granted by using regular skills will increase from 3.2% to 4.4%.
· At Fate 4, a new effect will be added where enemies hit by the signature extended skill will have their defense reduced by 20%.

- Sarka
· The skill coefficient of the 'Thunderstorm Bolts' effect triggered by using normal skills increases.

■ Bug Fixes
* An issue where using the relics ‘Blessed Curse,’ ‘Assassin of Tranquility,’ and ‘Honorable Fighter’ as enhancement materials would grant experience points of a relic one grade lower will be fixed.
- Players who used these relics as enhancement materials before the scheduled maintenance on 9/12 will be compensated with additional enhancement materials based on relevant data. We apologize for any inconvenience caused while using the content.
* The “Forlorn Poison Researcher” accessory set effect will be changed from a debuff applied to enemies when they are hit to a buff applied to the Knights of Veda in use.
* An issue where the game would forcibly close during the 'Shattered Dimensional Rift' on certain iPhone devices will be fixed.
* An issue where the guild joins confirmation popup did not appear when joining a guild will be fixed.
* An issue where the failure popup did not appear when a guild join attempt failed will be fixed.
* An issue where the quantity unit of items was not displayed when dismantling items from the inventory will be fixed.
* An issue where the background music did not play during repeated challenges in Adventure Area 7-6 will be fixed.

We will continue to listen to your feedback to ensure an even more enjoyable adventure in Astra: Knights of Veda.

Thank you.


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